Autumn is fast approaching and with it come a new host of book releases to salivate over. So, in order of expected release date, here are the top ten books that are coming out in the autumn months of this year (September to November) that I have a mighty need for. A mighty, mighty need indeed.
Title: The Tale Of Kitty In Boots
Author: Beatrix Potter, illustrated by Quentin Blake
Release Date: 1/9/16
A never before published story from Beatrix Potter about Miss Kitty and the adventure she has while out in her beautiful boots.
I grew up with the many stories of Beatrix Potter, there was a box of them in the spare bedroom at my grandparents' house that I read over and over again whenever I spent the night there. There are a handful that I haven't read, that weren't in the set, but this one is about a cat and is illustrated by the wonderful Quentin Blake, and I am secretly six years old, so of course I need it.
Author: Peadar O'Guilin
Release Date: 1/9/16
Every teenager waits to be Called, summoned away by the exiled Sidhe. Few survive, and Nessa, with her polio twisted legs, is already at a disadvantage.
Dystopia isn't really that appealing any more, the market is definitely overly saturated and I was never the biggest fan to start with, but this one sparked some keen interest in me. Disability representation is pretty rare, especially in this kind of story, so I am rather intrigued by the presence of a lead character with a pretty significant physical disability. Also this has roots in Irish folklore which is also super interesting and something I've not read about before, I am definitely intrigued.

Author: Tana French
Release Date: 22/9/16
The sixth installment in the excellent Dublin Murder Squad series, following Antoinette Conway on a new murder case.
I binge-read the first five installments of this series earlier this year and adored them, though the ending of the first frustrated the heck out of me. Brilliantly, beautifully written, these are crime novels with a literary slant, focusing on the characters rather than the crime itself, each following a different detective from the squad and a new case. I will continue to pick these up as they come out from now on, though they thankfully don't end on cliffhangers, I have wanted this in my hands from the moment I finished The Secret Place.
Author: Garth Nix
Release Date: 4/10/16
The long-awaited new installment to the Old Kingdom series, returning to the world of the Abhorsens.
Oh the intense grabby hands that are happening right now. And the pterodactyl screeching. And there may be some sobbing. I have been waiting for this for ever. The Old Kingdom trilogy are among my favourite books of all time, and though the series has been expanded with short stories and a prequel, this is a fully fledged sequel and I could not be more excited. I'll probably make a noise audible on Mars when I finally have this in my hands. Because, holy moly do I need this. Anyone got a time machine?

Author: Rick Riordan
Release Date: 4/10/16
The second installment in Riordan's new Norse mythology series following Magnus Chase as he continues on his adventures.
I do love me some Riordan, he is just so much fun to read that no matter how many books he publishes I still want more. I didn't grow up with the Percy Jackson books like so many did but they, and his other mythology based stories, are thoroughly enjoyable. This series revolves around Norse mythology rather than Greek but it takes place in the same world and has some lovely connections that give his fans a little extra thrill. I really rather enjoyed the first installment and can't wait to see what happens next.
Author: JK Rowling, illustrated by Jim Kay
Release Date: 4/10/16
Harry Potter is more than ready to be heading back for his second year at Hogwarts. But a dark secret from the school's past is also returning this year.
It's Harry Potter. And it's pretty. Does my need for this one really need an explanation? These new illustrated editions are simply gorgeous, I really rather love my copy of the first book and fully intend to collect them as they come out, and foist them upon others as gifts. Though I dread to think how big The Order Of The Phoenix will be! I can't wait to get my hands on this and have a good flick through the gorgeous illustrations.

Author: Lin-Manuel Miranda and Jeremy McCarter
Release Date: 6/10/16
The Hamil-tome, telling the story of how the Broadway show that's taken the world by storm came to be.
This has been out in the US for some time but is finally getting a UK release and I need it. For I am indeed Hamil-trash. No shame. The soundtrack has been on my iPod non-stop since February, always just one last time and then five hours later I'm still listening. But I also have a life-long love of musicals, so I am not throwing away my shot at owning this book, I won't be satisfied until it is mine, I am helpless to resist its siren call, I can't say no to this. I'm not sorry. Ok, I'll stop now.
Author: Becky Chambers
Release Date: 20/10/16
A science-fiction story in a diverse and fascinating universe, sequel to The Long Way To A Small Angry Planet.
Heavy breathing. This book. I neeeeeeeeeeeeed it. Some more intense grabby hands going on, and have been ever since I read Small Angry Planet at the very start of the year and absolutely adored it. I've been attempting to make everyone read that first novel ever since, already forced my sister to pick up a copy. A companion novel and sequel to the earlier book, I will be picking this up the second it comes out and devouring it whole. Because based on how incredible the first one was, with its characters and world building, this is going to be essential reading.

Author: Kirsty Logan
Release Date: 3/11/16
Two women, expecting their first baby, have promised each other never to lie to their child. But each starts, in secret, to tell the unborn infant stories.
This had a previous limited run hardcover release that I sadly missed out on so I'll be very happy to get my hands on this new paperback release. I'm not generally a big fan of short stories, they tend to leave me either cold or sad that they're not full length in their own right, but this collection sounds just a little bit magical, and I've heard almost nothing but high praise for it. I really like the central premise and the cover is both gorgeous and intriguing, so I'm looking forward to giving this a shot.
Author: Lyndsay Faye
Release Date: 3/11/16
Jane Steele fled her childhood tormentors with corpses in her wake. But she is drawn back to the house of her aunt when she learns of a new master, and an opening for a governess.
This has been released here in the UK already, but in those horrible over-sized paperbacks. I am so ready to get my grubby little hands on the regularly sized paperback. Because Jane Eyre, good. Morally ambiguous main character, even gooderer. There have been a few Eyre related books released recently but this is by far the most intriguing. Because, murder. I sense a morally grey character, I am excited. And Reader, I Murdered Him. Ten points for whoever came up with that. I like you.
So there we have the top ten books that I am most anxious to get my mitts on. A wide variety which I like to see, sequels, old favourites, novels, short stories, middle grade, ya, children's, adult. And these are by no means the only ones sparking my interest, there are more I've got my eye on and there will no doubt be a small mountain of releases that I'll be salivating at the thought of that I don't even know about yet. But the next few months seem to be when all of my most desperately needed, long awaited books are making their appearances. Is it September first yet?
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